Last updated on April 28, 2020

UK subscribers of VMX Magazine who subscribe via T&MX News may not be aware that the T&MX News office in the UK has closed indefinitely due to the coronavirus pandemic. We wish all of our friends in the UK well and would like to pass on that information for those who may not be aware, and provide further information in regard to ongoing supply of VMX Magazine for the immediate future.

You can still purchase from us directly

Anyone in the UK can still purchase the current issue or back issues from us directly, at any time, as we are definitely still operating at our headquarters down here in Australia where we’ve printed and published every issue of VMX Magazine over the last 22 years. Just go to this link to access current or back issue sales (credit card or paypal but no cheques)

Current subscribers with T&MX News

If you are a current subscriber to VMX Magazine and have that subscription with T&MX News, then please get in touch directly with us via email

Issue 81 has just landed in the UK but it is unclear to us at this stage what arrangements T&MX News have in place for the collection and distribution of this shipment. We cannot contact their office as it is closed. Needless to say, when they reopen, Issue 81 will be distributed at that time.

We’re currently putting together VMX Magazine Issue 82 and may be in a position to send UK subscribers (who subscribe through T&MX news) a copy of Issue 82 (published in June). EU privacy legislation prevented the T&MX News team sending us their VMX Magazine subscriber list, so we need your help to ensure we continue an uninterrupted supply to our T&MX News UK subscribers.

So if you are a current VMX Magazine subscriber via T&MX News and can send us proof of payment for your subscription, we’ll ensure a copy of Issue 82 is sent from our Australian offices as soon as it’s printed in June. Thanks for your understanding, from the VMX Magazine team.