Last updated on December 30, 2018

We recently received an email from a restorer in Belgium, who obviously likes the more unusual brands.  He’s got some pearlers, not the least of which is his ex-Gilbert De Roover works Beta 420.  But most of all Johan is having trouble finding spares for his Gori 380 so if anyone out there can assist then please contact us at VMX Magazine and we will put you in touch with Johan.  And yes, we’ll try and put together a Gori article ourselves, when we collect photos of a few more restored examples.

Hello there,

I have always been a fan of your magazine so I try to have a new subscription every year. I was wondering if there will be an article about Gori some time in the future. I own a 1980 Gori 380 dirt bike and want to know more about it – on the internet there is some information to find but almost no spares.

It is in nearly original condition with the exception of the handlebar and mounts. I ride it a few times a year in vintage races but I’m very careful with it because plastics are very rare (or you must know someone!). I also own a Montesa 360VA (only +/- 470 produced and the clutch straight on the crank), a Beta 420 Factory ride from Gilbert De Roover and a TGM 250cc that I still have to rebuild but there’s little to be found about that one too!

Gypen Johan 