Last updated on December 19, 2019

Brian Salt – Contributor from United Kingdom

Brian Salt
Brian Salt

Amongst so many classic articles it is hard to choose a favourite, but it has to be, this year, Issue 79, and Ken’s Sweep Rider editorial – Photography and other black magic.  Why? Because I identify with it – the modern equipment, whilst producing some superb results, takes a little bit of learning.

 The great art in motocross photography is the impression of speed which is often defeated with the super fast shutter speeds, available on the modern kit.  Some images, whilst being clear as a bell, look as if they have been suspended on invisible string, hence the preference for a slower shutter speed.  

Ken’s other point is that you don’t need a bucket lens on your camera, 200mm is plenty big enough. Oh and thanks Ken for bearing with me whilst I learnt some of the art of the digital camera, and I don’t miss the 300mm lens, which cost me way more than a pound a mm (that lens by the way was ruined at a wet Fairleigh!).